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Did you die end of the year? Check these tips to recover!

At the end of the year, rest and merry-making results. And so, anything goes in terms of the types of food and drinking done. This would then be the time when regular eating habits are left by the wayside.

Another thing is that at the end of the year routine changes a lot, and a regular physical exercise, among others, often gets left.

However, it is significant not to overdo it in those days as well, so as to care about the body and enter into a new year healthy without bad after-effects from extreme gluttony. Check the most important tips from the New Year for all those who kicked the bucket in the last month.

Easy tips for those who kicked the bucket at the end of the year

First of all, we want to make it clear that the purpose of this content is not to stop you from having fun. The idea here is to ensure that the celebrations leave only good memories and do not result in problems that you will have to solve the following year.

Overindulging in drinking and/or eating is a big discomfort, and it may bring about discomfort such as weight gain and abdominal discomfort or worsening health problems such as reflux or migraines, for instance.

Below are some cautions to be taken ahead of the holidays or during the holidays for those who have already kicked the bucket at the end of the year:

You eat normally, as healthily as you can, during the day before the gatherings, and drink plenty of water. Avoid fasting to “enjoy” the food and drinks, because at the table, one tends to overindulge even more.

When preparing your meal, always start with the salads. Then, choose the foods you like, but don’t overdo it.

This also holds for desserts. Try a little of each alternative, but do this purposefully, tasting each piece and quitting when you’re satisfied.

If you’re drinking alcoholic beverages, keep in mind to alternate beverages with glasses of water, so you’ll stay hydrated.

A further advice would be to avoid dishes which are very rich in calorie, contain a lot of cream, sauces or mayonnaise. These also have higher chances of abdominal pain and food poisoning.

Recovery from the year-end excesses

Did you die at the end of the year, and you don’t know how to get back on track? We’ve picked some really cool tips to help you in the process of recovery. Have a look:

Do strength training exercises

Weight training is very important to strengthen the body, burn calories and avoid the dreaded localized fat.

Aerobic exercises, such as running, walking (on the street or on a treadmill) and cycling, help the body expel toxic substances. They are also excellent for speeding up calorie expenditure, eliminating the extra calories you have consumed.

Increase your fluid intake

Drinking enough water is essential during all seasons, and this time of the year, one needs it more than usual. The more hydrated the body is, the more it will be prepared to handle the overindulgences of the end year, in food and drinks.

Options: Water, coconut water, natural juices, and teas.

Avoid sugary soft drinks and juices, as they put even more strain on the body and encourage weight gain due to the excess calories they contain.

Fight retention

Retention can be caused by excessive food consumption and also by low water intake.

Contrary to what many people think, to combat water retention, the ideal is to consume even more liquids, but healthy liquids.

Besides increasing healthy liquids intake, as referred to above in the topic, another advice is for you to avoid foods rich in sodium (which causes even greater retention).

Of course, a couple of days out of your routine are not enough to lose everything you’ve achieved in a year. And we know that the end-of-year festivities are a time for relaxation and fun.

Still, trying to reduce the damage brought by excesses and hence minimizing the harm is also important. In this manner, you can enjoy each moment with family and friends without compromising your physical and mental health. After all, taking care of our health should be a daily practice regardless of festive dates.

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