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Discover the main natural treatments for insomnia

In recent years, science and medicine have invested heavily in research on the importance of quality sleep. This is because many people are seeking treatments for insomnia, as the problem directly impacts health and general well-being .

But what is insomnia and why does it occur? How can you identify the symptoms and know when to seek medical help? How can you reduce the consequences of insomnia ? If you want to clarify these and other questions, this article will help you a lot. Enjoy reading!

After all, how important is healthy sleep?

From a physiological point of view, sleep plays the fundamental role in the health both of the body and of the mind. When one sleeps, the brain performs its important restorative functions that involve the body. Most notably, cellular and tissue repair occurs, which decreases the disease-prone potential.

For younger people, it is also important for sleep to release growth hormones, which act on bone and muscle growth. For older people, it is also necessary to sleep well in order to strengthen brain function and immunity and prevent diseases associated with aging.

Therefore, it is necessary to cultivate habits that promote healthy rest. But this depends on changes in your routine, as your night’s sleep is a reflection of the activities you carry out during the day . Therefore, sleeping well is crucial for preventing and promoting health in different ways.

What causes insomnia?

In general, this disorder is a condition resulting from multiple causes. Therefore, knowing the reasons that lead to lack of sleep—and that result in sleepless nights—is important in identifying the most appropriate treatment for insomnia in each case.

However, it deserves to be kept in mind that specialized medical help is also required as one cannot always sense what triggers the change in their sleep, and thus insomnia must be treated with regular monitoring by specialists.

Although sleep disorders also affect men, problems related to anxiety and insomnia are more common in women. According to a study by McGill University in Canada, one explanation for this is that women have their biological clock programmed to sleep and wake up earlier than their usual routines allow.

We have listed some of the factors related to lack of sleep. Take a look:

How can insomnia harm your health?

Even though sleep patterns are individual, health professionals recommend sleeping six to eight hours a night. If you sleep below this average, your body’s optimal functioning may be compromised and you are more likely to develop various diseases, as shown in a study published by BBC News .

In fact, poor quality sleep is very harmful and puts your health at risk. In this regard, we have gathered the most common consequences here. Check them out!


Because sleep is such an important part of the regulation of body functions, poor sleepers are more likely to gain weight , which may cause obesity. This cuts across all ages, even children.


Lack of sleep results in uncontrolled blood sugar level . This is because the hormone insulin, when the body has no regulation for the hormone, becomes a cause for type 2 diabetes.
Cardiovascular diseases

Poor sleepers, therefore, risk putting extra strain on their heart since the organ is unable to recover and perform its functions the following day. The heart continues pumping blood to the body continuously but needs to slow down during sleep.

Besides that, a series of sleepless nights with only a few hours of sleep contributes to the increased calcification of the heart’s most important arteries . Therefore, among the effects of sleeping insufficiently is the emergence of problems such as high blood pressure and irregular heartbeats.

Continuous colds and flu

Sleep also helps in recharging the body’s immunity to diseases. That is, people who suffer from insomnia are more prone to infections and repeated attacks of flu and colds. Typically, such conditions are related to sleep deprivation because lack of sleep weakens the body’s immunity .

Emotional disorders

The quality of sleep also affects mental and psychological well-being. Sleep disorders increase the risk of getting psychological disorders such as depression, obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), and panic syndrome .

Can insomnia be treated?

Yes. Insomnia and anxiety are treatable using herbal medications, traditional medication, and psychotherapeutic support and with other natural remedies. Sleeping teas from lemon balm, fennel, and chamomile, to mention a few, calm the mind and induce falling asleep.

We can start with herbal drugs, such as passionflower . The substance helps manage anxiety, and the person is much more calm and sleeps well. Because of this, healthcare practitioners are advising people to make use of herbal extracts in their fight against sleeplessness and to enhance quality of sleep.

How to reduce insomnia by changing your routine?

We highlight some good bedtime habits that, in addition to the use of herbal remedies recommended by your doctor, can bring great results in combating insomnia. Take a look:

Finally, it is worth noting that medical help is essential to diagnose the problem and adopt the best treatments for insomnia. Therefore, seek professional guidance, as it is possible to obtain great results through natural remedies that help you sleep better .

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