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Find out 9 tips to boost your immunity here!

To have a balanced and well-functioning body, good practices can be adopted to regulate the organism. Among the everyday tools, some tips to increase immunity are welcome to protect the body against invading agents and prevent diseases.

Therefore, investing in maintaining your body is a goal that everyone should have to ensure well-being and quality of life, thus avoiding respiratory or cardiovascular problems, for example. As an impact, by taking care of your body and investing in your immunity, if you develop any deficiency due to contracting diseases, recovery occurs much faster.

What is immunity?

The term immunity is derived from the immune system and it is defined as resilience against pathogenic cells that infiltrate the body and bring some alteration in the functioning of the organism.

It will be in charge of averting ailments arising out of common occurrences such as the flu and colds and may also help other more severe diseases such as the eradication of cancer cells. Hence, investing in strong immune systems will be beneficial in overcoming as well as preventing these kinds of issues in the body. Moreover, amalgamating these suggestions with good dietary habits and exercise guarantees health and well-being.

Tips to boost immunity

There are several mechanisms that can be used to improve your body’s performance. We have put together 9 tips to help you boost your immunity:

1. Invest in food

Eating healthy and natural foods is a great tip to increase your immunity and maintain your quality of life, as your body will work more naturally and effectively, therefore, the immune system will have better responses to defend your organism.

So, look for options that you can eat in moderation and that meet the calories you need for the day. Among the foods that boost immunity, some options are essential!


Invest in options like strawberries and oranges, as they are rich in vitamin C. They are great sources of nutrients and can be consumed in different ways, such as in juices, for example.

Other citrus fruits such as pineapple, lemon and tangerine are great options for consumption, as, in addition to vitamins, they are antioxidants and help combat aging.


Another option that serves as one of the tips for increasing immunity is meat, such as chicken and fish. These foods contain iron, which helps with immune responses, in addition to containing zinc, a vitamin that strengthens our defense system.

Some fish options such as salmon and sardines are essential sources of Omega 3, which is also ideal for boosting immunity. In addition, these meats also have anti-inflammatory functions.


The majority of nuts are mostly dense in vitamin E thus fighting low immunity power. Apart from those, they also have fibre, healthy fats and a few minerals that are fundamental to the body. The best nuts to eat include hazelnuts, pistachios and almonds.

There is a wide range of food which can be termed as rich in vitamins or probiotics; consumption of milk and dairy products, for instance, is also good for the defence of the body. For you to take much better care of yourself, stay away from processed cuisines. Learn how to eat prudently and refrain from eating too much!

2. Practice physical activities

Getting out of a sedentary lifestyle is necessary to help the immune system, so practicing physical activities regularly will increase the body’s defenses, as it will not be inactive. With continuous exercise, some specific cells, such as lymphocytes, will have their rate increased, therefore, the production of antibodies to destroy invading agents in the blood will be greater.

As a result, your body is protected and you can maintain a routine of physical activities, following the WHO’s recommendation of 150 minutes of aerobic exercise per week.

3. Drink plenty of water

In addition to helping to hydrate the body, water consumed in the necessary parameters will ensure that the airways remain moist and, as a consequence, prevent allergies and infections from reaching your body.

Another impact of ideal water consumption is cell renewal, so don’t forget to drink the recommended amount of at least 2 liters per day.

4. Have hygiene habits

We’re talking about immunity, so take great care of your body. The least everybody can do to maintain body harmony is wash their hands with soap periodically, use alcohol gel if they go out and have touched things that many people have touched, and brush their teeth periodically.

Taking basic hygiene precautions and keeping them as a habit keeps your body healthy and free of illnesses and infections.

5. Avoid stress

A major culprit in weakening your immunity is stress caused by busy routines and excessive worry. This causes you to have negative thoughts, which is also not good for your emotional and mental health.

Some good practices can be done to alleviate stress:


When you meditate, one of the consequences will be a reduction in thoughts, so everyday problems will not be at the forefront of your mind. In addition, by controlling your breathing and using different types of meditation, you can ensure well-being, inner peace and increased productivity.

As a result, stress will decrease, which will help prevent a drop in immunity.

Focus on breathing

Breathing naturally helps you breathe in air that will be treated and will not have as many pollutants. In other words, breathing through your nose will help your quality of life, in addition to reducing respiratory diseases.

Healthy Routine

Finally, adjusting your schedule to include physical activities and hobbies helps you create a healthy routine. Having everything written down helps reduce stress, as you will be organized and practical in your day-to-day life. Furthermore, a routine indicates adaptation and flexibility, so it will always be changing, whether during regular work or even when working from home.

6. Sleep Well

Enough sleep is one of the most underrated health-boosting activities one can do. Insufficient sleeping hours can often make individuals lethargic due to lack of energy and tiredness both physically and mentally.

The impacts are:

So, obtain around seven to eight hours of sleep each day and do not fall for the myth that one can ‘catch up’ on sleep lost during the week on weekends. This does not assist your body’s regulation.

7. Go and expose yourself to the sun.

Of the many pointers, one of them is to take vitamin D, as this is beneficial to the body’s defense system. Besides autoimmune diseases, it also aids in the development of bones and improvement of muscle strength. So, vitamin D should be obtained. Understand that it may be acquired by getting sunshine for 15 minutes daily.

8. Never consume alcohol.

Allowing for excessive alcohol intake reduces the primary immune response, and as such, any of these types of beverages have adverse health effects if taken in excess. They should be consumed in moderation and not as a habitual drink, as they are very addictive.

Everything in life needs balance, so know how to balance your desires.

9. Avoid excesses

Finally, avoid excesses in general, whether it be tobacco, alcohol, intense physical exercise, among others. Any type of excess is not good for the body, so know how to reduce the loads and identify what is a priority in your life.

As mentioned, excesses will also decrease the immune response, so do one thing at a time, always looking for healthy habits.

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