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How to identify and treat irritable bowel syndrome?

The presence of discomfort in the abdominal region, pain in the stomach and constipation is indicative that you are suffering from irritable bowel syndrome or ibs as it can be called. Most people confuse the condition with gluten intolerance or lactose intolerance; however, it results from sudden changes in diet and requires examination to avoid complications in the future.

This is owing to the fact, what is noticebale though is, if a person has Ibs, it is functional in nature and can last weeks in the life of the diseased. Hence, if one knows the signs which include the duration of the symptoms, it becomes possible to seek help and achieve an accurate diagnosis which can be offered by qualified medical professionals.

How is irritable bowel syndrome diagnosed and what are its signs and symptoms?

Ibs is a prevalent disease but not many patients come in owing to the fact that the symptoms associated with it are broad and encompass more than what is shadowed with the irritable bowel syndrome diagnosis. But its diagnosis is based on quite a distinct range of symptoms, which lead to the situation when the digestive tract movement is affected. They are:.

Furthermore, symptoms may worsen if the diet is characterized by the consumption of the following foods:

On the other hand, a balanced diet helps to control this clinical condition, since fiber intake improves intestinal motility.

It is also important to be aware of recurrent complaints and constant discomfort . If symptoms persist for 12 weeks (not necessarily consecutive), seek medical support as soon as possible.

Is it possible to identify the causes of irritable bowel syndrome?

As seen, sudden changes in diet or a diet low in fiber and nutrients can cause irritable bowel syndrome . However, other problems in routine, such as excessive stress , anxiety and depression can also lead to the disease.

This is because IBS is a condition caused by genetic issues, but also by external factors that are often under the person’s control .

Finally, excessive fasting , constant inflammation and even infections are common causes of the problem and should be investigated by a professional for a more accurate analysis.

How is irritable bowel syndrome diagnosed?

Since this is a disease whose symptoms are similar to other health problems, the first step to making a safe diagnosis is to seek a medical evaluation to carry out work tests and, thus, analyze what is harming gastrointestinal health.

In this case, the investigation can be done through the following tests:

All of the above procedures serve to rule out other syndromes with similar symptoms ( celiac disease , appendicitis, lactose intolerance, ulcers, etc.), as well as to ensure a safe diagnosis.

In this context, the doctor will use the Rome criteria to confirm the presence of IBS, through the following investigation:

In addition to observing these criteria, the doctor may use other methods for diagnosis.

How to treat irritable bowel syndrome?

As complicated as it may seem, treating IBS is simpler than you might think . Eating a balanced diet, drinking more water, and even taking medication in more urgent cases are ways to live a healthy life with this condition.

For more details, see below how to properly treat irritable bowel syndrome.

Balanced diet

In general, a diet rich in fiber, nutrients and minerals is a solution for treating IBS , after all, a balanced and healthy menu helps maintain the body’s homeostasis. In addition, paying attention to meal times and dividing up your meals is an alternative for the body to recognize the intake of nutrients and, thus, maintain constant satiety.

An interesting tip is to learn to eat slowly and include vegetables and/or low glycemic index carbohydrates in your routine . Another important factor for harm reduction is to reduce the consumption of sugars and artificial sweeteners and seek to control the intake of ultra-processed foods .

Finally, you should drink water regularly to maintain your body’s hydration, as it is this liquid that helps improve the digestive tract.

Use of medication

Depending on medical advice, some medications will be used to treat IBS. In this case, the professional may prescribe the use of laxatives, anticholinergic and antidiarrheal medications, as well as prebiotic sources to help the intestinal flora .

Creating new habits

We also cannot forget about healthy habits, which are the basis of a routine with quality of life .

Here, learning techniques to avoid stress, investing in hobbies and undergoing therapy are practical solutions to help control IBS, which can often arise as a consequence of one’s lifestyle.

After all, is there a cure for IBS?

This is a common question about irritable bowel syndrome, especially because, since it affects the digestive tract, is it possible to have a cure? The answer is no!

Treatment aims to manage symptoms. Therefore, changing your lifestyle and having proper monitoring are the main factors to keep everything under control.

Nevertheless, even if there are no available solutions, it shouldn’t be assumed that a lifetime under such conditions is always full of suffering. By looking after oneself, maintaining a healthy and active way of life is achievable, without recurrent and adverse feelings. Put simply, do not wait for the worst to happen to you, but instead act for the better – in a healthy and responsible manner!

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