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How to start having healthy habits and what are their benefits?

A life is complete when it is balanced, with a peaceful mind and stable physical and emotional health. This happens when we invest in healthy habits , whether for the body or mind, as this reflects on how we deal with well-being and seek our quality of life.

Therefore, to have vitality in your routine, healthy habits need to be built, as they will regulate how we feel and choose the way we live our lives. Whether through sports, hobbies or organization , being healthy goes beyond thinking about your body, so you need to understand how to reconcile everything without getting tired.

Want to learn how to do this? Then keep reading to find out what healthy habits are!

What are healthy habits?

Healthy habits are a series of daily constructions that are carried out through constant practices to generate some benefit in each person’s life. Considering the word habit, it is having a habit for a certain period of time with a task, for example. Healthy habits, on the other hand, are respecting the body and its time so as not to generate stress or problems in the body.

By putting the two words together, we have a sense of balance of good practices in the routine to optimize results and get the most out of it. As a result, the body responds better to activities, mental health is balanced and fatigue decreases.

It is worth mentioning that healthy habits are not directly related to calm people who practice more relaxing practices such as yoga or meditation . Having healthy habits involves how you seek the best for yourself within your conditions and tastes. The practices mentioned help (a lot) in building habits, but they are not rules that must be practiced to achieve this goal.

How to start having healthy habits?

To start having healthy habits, it is necessary to understand what health is first. Considering the Constitution of the World Health Organization (WHO), health can be defined as the “state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity” .

Therefore, seeking health is not just about the body, but about being in an environment and social conditions that do not hinder your development as a person . This also applies to the sports environment, as being healthy also involves the space in which you are training.

So, before you start looking for healthy habits, find out if your health is on the right track, because you need to work on one thing at a time. Once you are ready, there are some steps you can take to start adopting healthy habits:

1. Keep an eye on your mental health

As mentioned, being aware of your mental health is important to being healthy and applying this to new habits. Knowing how your day is going, what sensations and feelings you have in everyday situations, helps you know the level of your mental health.

If possible, it is a good idea to have the support of a psychologist to assess the situation, and if you have feelings or behaviors that lead to stress, one tip is to think about what you are feeling and how to reframe it so as not to harm your mental health.

With balance, you will have emotional intelligence to deal with difficult situations , in addition to being able to evolve as a person!

2. Create hobbies (and opportunities)

Another way to develop healthy habits is to create hobbies and new opportunities. Often, well-being comes from something simple, like reading a book or talking to friends. However, because it is not a priority or there is no set time, the practices that bring you good feelings are left aside.

This ends up being a problem, as some people forget about their personal side, not leaving any free time for leisure, when the ideal is to have some escapes from your routine.

As a result, in addition to not having healthy practices, the routine is also not one of the best.

3. Invest in a good diet

Another factor that reflects on your physique is a balanced diet . If the subject is about healthy habits, it is only fair to have a consistent diet for your body, so seek help from a nutritionist to regulate what you eat.

This will have an impact on your mood and better functioning of your body and immunity , so knowing what to eat and what can be avoided is a key factor in building new habits!

4. Exercise frequently

The World Health Organization encourages 150 minutes of moderate-intensity aerobic physical activity per week to avoid becoming sedentary .

Encouraging physical activity, whether through a sport or enjoyable exercise, changes your life, because in addition to creating new skills and not staying still, the body responds effectively, in addition to regulating many aspects of a busy life, such as getting enough sleep.

Furthermore, people who experience a lot of stress can use sport as an escape or alternative to alleviate the whirlwind of daily thoughts, as it will help increase the production of serotonin, which is responsible for the feeling of well-being.

5. Have a routine plan

Planning means organizing and making a routine that may be holding you back effective. It is also a way to define and manage a common work routine, without overloading your mind, especially if you work from home.

To do this, organize a calendar with the days and times for your activities and tasks, as this will give you control over this, in addition to visualizing the time spent and not going overboard with activities, with the justification that you are being productive.

Paying attention to these details will help you stick to your work schedule, as well as invest in free time activities and pay attention to your mental health.

6. Try to be sociable in your surroundings

Socializing is also a pillar of healthy habits, so try to be present in your surroundings as much as possible. Paying attention to the spaces and trying to interact will help you feel included in them, as well as having an active voice and being able to communicate in different situations.

It may be difficult for some people to start showing up in their environments, but keep in mind that this is a process. Be more present in the company team, try to share opinions and try to have healthy and friendly relationships in the spaces you frequent.

7. Pay attention to your emotions

Finally, a tip about self-respect. Almost everyone currently lives in hectic routines, not allowing for breaks or contact with themselves. As a consequence, emotional control falls and disorders or problems such as anxiety often appear .

With that in mind, pay attention to your daily life and how your emotions are, what you feel in a given situation and whether your daily life gives you pleasure or just drains your emotions. These perceptions will help you reinvent yourself, in addition to putting yourself first, having the impact of another healthy habit!

Benefits of healthy habits

Now that you know how to start having healthy habits, it’s good to know some benefits that will become present in your daily life with this new reality.

1. Improves mood

Physical exercise, diet, mental health concerns and other factors are already in place and organized in your life, so one of the benefits you will have is an upgrade in your disposition. Free time, active productivity and quality of life , you will be able to try out new skills and experiences, in addition to investing in new productions, whether at work or at home.

Having healthy habits guarantees a better disposition for life, so know that this will be present!

2. Prevents mental illness

Having emotional intelligence requires maturity, and one of the benefits you will have when your mental health is in order is the reduction of illnesses such as depression or anxiety. These illnesses that can be caused by stress or an accumulation of tasks will be reduced, as planning guarantees almost 100% effectiveness in your routine.

Problems may arise, as nothing is perfect, however, you will be able to resolve them without getting tired, which will be positive, as you will be taking care of yourself first.

3. Regulates sleep

As mentioned in the topic of physical activity, regular exercise ensures better quality sleep and this can be enhanced with healthy habits in general. By eating well, having an organized routine and not being overwhelmed, when it is time to rest your mind will be calm and peaceful, with the feeling that everything has been accomplished, without causing stress or discomfort.

Some people may have problems, such as insomnia, that can be improved with habits, but it is essential to have medical help for specific issues. Being healthy also involves sleep, so invest in habits that help regulate it.

4. Improves mood

If stress is reduced with healthy habits, one of the benefits is an improvement in mood. With an organized routine, your day will be lighter, moments of relaxation will be well spent and your hours will be more productive, as bad moods and procrastination will be far away.

5. Respect your limits

Understanding healthy habits requires a lot of self-care , which brings with it the benefit of respecting your body and its limits. It’s okay to not be productive every day or to have mood swings. These feelings are part of being a person living in society, so dealing with these issues will help you overcome them and not let them consume you in a negative way.

Understand that healthy habits require time, dedication and maturity, but that everyone can have them in their routine. I hope you enjoyed this article and understood the relationship between habits and health and how it is possible to gradually start good practices in your life.

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