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Know the possible causes of hip pain

Such surprises can be full of ordinary activities, and among them could be the manifestation of the pain or discomfort in one region . A common form for part of the people is hip pain, generally not a severe symptom that can be easily treated through some types of physical exercises or even through the administration of painkillers.

However, you can never be too careful, so you need to pay attention to the frequency and intensity of the pain, as more serious cases require medical monitoring, with an orthopedist being the most appropriate professional. Common causes include an infection or problems such as osteoarthritis, which requires specific treatment by a professional!

What causes hip pain?

One of the possible causes of hip pain is a fracture, which is more common in the elderly population, as they have fragile bones and diseases such as osteoporosis. Such problems cause localized discomfort in this region of the body, which ends up affecting the quality of life of many. And don’t think that this only affects the elderly, as young people can also experience hip pain.

In other words, regardless of age, it is very important to take care of your body. Who likes to be in pain? The hip is an important joint for everyone, especially for moving the body safely. Below you will find the main causes of hip pain, but remember: if you have any symptoms, it is best to get a diagnosis from a doctor to find out the origin of the problem!

1. Inflammation of the sciatic nerve

If you are an athlete who performs high-impact exercises or lower limb training, it is possible that your hip pain may be caused by inflammation of the sciatic nerve. Older people may also experience discomfort in the region due to compression of the nerve by the spine. The inflammation tends to be strongest in the back of the hip, near the gluteus, which causes burning sensations and difficulty moving the body.

In these cases, it is possible to relieve pain with massages in the back region, in addition to not forgetting to do warm-up and stretching exercises, as these are extremely important before and after training. Depending on the case, some physiotherapy sessions will be indicated.

2. Dislocation

Dislocation occurs when the joint moves out of place, so when someone has intense pain or difficulty walking, in addition to having difficulty sitting, this condition is suspected. This cause of hip pain can arise from a fracture or a vehicle accident.

In this case, consulting an orthopedist is the best option to treat the pain or perform surgery, if necessary. And, if the pain is caused by an accident, it is important to go to a hospital or health unit to check the condition of your body!

3. Osteoarthritis

A common problem in the elderly, osteoarthritis is a pain that occurs when walking, because moving the lower region or making any movement with it ends up mobilizing the hip region. This can happen because the cartilage in the joint is worn out, so it can affect other areas of the body, such as the thigh and knee.

In this case, it is also ideal to consult an orthopedist and start treatment with anti-inflammatories and invest in physiotherapy to alleviate inflammation in the joint.

4. Osteonecrosis

Osteonecrosis is characterized by a lack of blood supply to the head of the femur, which causes bone cell death, deformation, loss of movement, and so on. Some of the possible causes of this problem are:

It is not easy to identify what causes osteonecrosis, but hip pain is the first symptom. If left untreated, the disease can lead to osteoarthritis as it progresses. To combat the problem, the best option is to undergo specific surgery.

5. Tendonitis

If you are an athlete who uses the tendons around your hips a lot, you may have felt pain in the area. This sensation is normal in runners ‘ joints and is very common after playing sports. This problem is called tendonitis!

To treat this, use a warm compress on the hip for 15 minutes and repeat this 2 to 3 times daily. You can also employ an anti-inflammatory ointment, but in all instances, seek professional help.

6. Bursitis

Bursitis is a deeper pain problem in the hip because it hits at the middle of the joint, making the discomfort extend to the lateral part of the thigh. In some cases, it might result in a small swelling in the lateral part of the thigh.

This shall relieve the pain to a greater extent by applying a hot compress to the affected area; at the same time, stretching exercises should be considered. In this case, though it is a more intense pain, ensure that one sees an orthopedist and a physiotherapist who will give correct prescriptions to treat bursitis.

7. Back Pain at Lower Abdomen Area

Finally, lower back pain is a spinal problem that causes hip pain. The most common of those are sciatic nerve pain and herniated disc pain. In both cases, a doctor is needed to diagnose the causes and conclude whether the pain is originating in the spine or hip.

To treat the condition, some painkillers can be prescribed, along with physiotherapy sessions and stretching exercises. In some cases, surgery may be required; therefore, follow-up visits are important.

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