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Relationship between antioxidant vitamins and proper breathing

Especially during times of severe changes in the climate, antioxidant vitamins are a friend for regular breathing. That is to say, have you noticed that in winter we are more likely to develop breathing problems?

That is because in this period, the blood circulation of irritating substances in the air for the respiratory tract is higher. Therefore, if your immune system is not properly protected, these irritating substances can induce the manifestation of some symptoms and respiratory diseases.

This is why antioxidant vitamins are so important-they strengthen immunity and help improve breathing. Want to know more about this subject? Keep reading!

What are antioxidant vitamins?

These antioxidant vitamins can be synthesized in the organism, ingested in food, or supplied as drugs or dietary supplements. Do you want an example? Vitamin C falls under the category of antioxidants. This and other chemicals are there to help with the defense and structure of the body by removing excessive free radicals.

Free radicals can also be produced by the body. They are also generated or absorbed when dealing with emotional problems, overexposure to the sun, inadequate foods, etc. They also help the body, but in excess they release toxins that harm cells in a process called oxidative stress .

In other words, cells may be killed, their DNA altered and aged prematurely without the right to renewal . Such threatens the general health. This is the case for the skin, hair, respiratory system and immune system. Given this fact, antioxidant vitamins should step in and cancel free radicals.

What does antioxidant vitamins do in the body?

As you may have observed, antioxidant vitamins owe it to themselves to eliminate the free radicals that are excess in the body. Otherwise, they continue to release toxins that affect the body’s cells and affect different areas.

For instance , the cells in the system of respiration can produce and clear mucus, prevent entrance and clean dirties, etc. If any of those get damaged due to free radicals, then the respiration system tends to become inflamed and the respiration capability is reduced.

As a result, your breathing may be impaired, which can affect your sleep quality, your work performance, and more . Fortunately, antioxidants have functions that control or minimize these impacts. This is the case for:

So, it may be necessary for an individual to take extra vitamin pills to avoid health complications due to insufficient levels of antioxidant vitamins. In the case of the respiratory system, it is evident in the development or aggravation of the following diseases:

What are the types of antioxidant vitamins?

You already knew that antioxidant vitamins play a very important role in better functioning of your respiratory system. Learn more about these compounds now. Check it out!


This is an antioxidant vitamin; indeed, it may be found in foods like tomatoes, to ensure maximum absorption of nutrients when cooked. The consumption of the compound has been shown to result in a decrease of the damage due to free radicals in cells and thus preventive measures against many diseases.


This is one of the most important antioxidant vitamins to be taken. This is because it increases the action of other antioxidants, including vitamins C and E. You can find glutathione by eating avocado, cauliflower, watermelon, cabbage and cinnamon, for example.

Vitamin C

Vitamin C also demonstrates its role due to its antioxidant activity that serves to guard and enhance cell growth. It appears in citrus fruits, like lemons and oranges.

It protects cells from free radicals, thus foregoing premature aging. Beta-carotene is also protective against diseases of the cardiovascular and brain types. You may introduce them by such foods as spinach, carrots, or mango.

How to include antioxidant vitamins in your diet correctly?

Benefiting from the antioxidant vitamins listed above, it is quite important to add them into your diet. Below, there are some tips to guide you to your goal properly!

Divide your daily needs into small doses

Do not be carried away by the advantages of antioxidant vitamins on your day-to-day intake. After all, it is also essential to keep a low amount of free radicals in the body. Hence, focus on the right amount of consumption by dividing your daily needs into small doses.

Control your pro-oxidant food

As the term suggests, pro-oxidant foods stimulate oxidative stress . This is the case with foods that are very sugary and high in trans fat. The same thing applies for excessive alcohol and tobacco consumption. So, it shall be only on occasion to avoid interfering with the action of antioxidant vitamins. END

You may not be able to absorb the necessary vitamins and minerals from your diet. In such cases, healthcare professionals may recommend multivitamin and multimineral supplements in therapeutic doses, such as Vitergan Zinc and Vitergan Zinc PL . This is even more relevant for elderly people, who often have some particularity that can lead to deficiencies. However, a medical professional is the one who should monitor and guide the treatment.

So, were you able to understand the connection between antioxidant vitamins and breathing? From this, you can take better care of your quality of life for sure so that these substances can fight free radicals. Otherwise, the system of respiration and other components of the body will be compromised.

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