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What is the best sport for losing weight?

The brain uses glucose, one type of sugar, for fuel. This molecule is necessary for neurons to perform and for neurotransmission.

While it is sugar primarily performing this role, though, it is not just the simple carbohydrates, such as fruits and vegetables, or the complex carbohydrates like grains and legumes that can keep the operation going properly.

Some initial information before choosing a  sport to lose weight

First of all, it is important to emphasize that more important than an exercise that makes you lose fat, first of all, you must choose one that does not make you feel uncomfortable.

Much has been said about running being the best exercise for losing weight, but there are many people who, for various reasons (whether personal: they get tired, find it boring, become exhausted, or for medical reasons: asthma or lack of physical fitness) cannot or do not manage to go running on a track.

That’s why it’s important to know that we must find the type of physical activity that best suits our needs and that also allows us to maintain a regular practice for some time, at least a few months, but ideally it should become a routine.

The weight loss process doesn’t happen overnight.

The reason is: while we perform physical activity with the aim of burning fat we must achieve an ideal heart rate to maximize our efforts.

There is a basic algorithm to calculate the maximum heart rate we can submit ourselves to.

It’s simple: the calculation is 220 minus your age. For example: a 20-year-old person will have a maximum heart rate of 200 beats per minute, so this will be the maximum performance (100%) of that athlete.

Knowing this, if we want to perform an exercise that has moderate intensity, we need to use 70 to 80% of our capacity, also thinking about the interval in which we already pursue a goal of improving performance and a large amount of aerobic activity.

The most recommended thing in this case, and when we want to do it correctly, is to monitor it using a heart rate monitor and also with the supervision of a professional .

Now that the issues regarding heart rate are clear, you can imagine that the sports that can best help with weight loss are swimming and running.

In fact, these are very complete exercises and not only work a wide variety of muscle groups, but they also produce a very high calorie consumption per hour.

Sports recommendations for weight loss.


Running is among the sports that will make you burn most of your calories. For example, for an hour of running, an athlete will have burnt up to 1,200 calories.

If we run in a race, the calories burnt will be determined by how fast we are running. For instance, if we are running at a speed that takes one kilometer in 5 minutes, we will have burnt 1200 calories in an hour.


Crossfit is a combination of aerobic exercises, series with pieces and anaerobic exercises. With it, the practitioner can lose up to 1000 calories in a single session.


When playing tennis we can burn approximately 500 calories every half hour of play. In addition to everything, this sport clearly improves the resistance and strength of the bodies of those who practice it.


Swimming is also one of the most recommended weight loss sports. In addition to working almost all the muscles in our body, when we exercise in water, we minimize the chances of injury.

Doing nothing, we can burn an average of 700 calories in an hour, depending on the intensity with which we practice the series.

One hour of boxing can make the practitioner lose up to 600 calories. In addition, another benefit of boxing is that it is a sport highly advisable for those who require strengthening and/or increasing resistance in their muscles.

Even though it is not a type of practice available to everyone, climbing can be a great ally for those who want to lose weight and burn fat.

This sport can also release a lot of adrenaline. By practicing climbing, we can burn up to 700 calories. 600 calories is what you can lose in just one spinning session.

This will vary depending on the intensity at which we perform the exercise. Furthermore, spinning allows you to strengthen and tone your glutes and legs.

Water aerobics.

In water aerobics, we burn up to 700 calories in a class. By doing the exercises in the water, we are likely to avoid injuries, so we can tone the muscles in our legs and buttocks in record time.


In a basketball game, a player can reach the mark of 250 calories burned.

Another benefit of these sports is that by practicing this exercise we can significantly improve our flexibility.


It is great for losing weight because it combines aerobic exercise with muscle toning. Those who practice this type of fighting can achieve a very athletic physique.

It’s not just about doing a physical activity.

It’s not just sports to lose weight and that’s it.

A meal plan and physical exercise are without a doubt the best combination for anyone wanting to lose weight.

The fact is that diet combined with physical activity not only improves results and makes them visible in less time, but also makes us feel faster and fitter.

Pay close attention when choosing the physical exercise that will bring us the most benefits and can also be a great ally when it comes to losing weight. That is why we must always consider our physical condition and abilities.

The help of a professional is essential to understand, for example, that there are sports and workouts that are aimed at losing weight and burning fat in specific areas of the body.

For example: running, swimming and karate are examples of activities that allow for balanced weight loss.

In addition to the importance of choosing a suitable physical activity, it is essential to review our diet and other habits that, if we do not change, we may end up moving away from our goal of losing weight.

The best option for all of those who want to lose weight would be a low-calorie diet that is not too radical but allows you to regulate your feeling of hunger.

The ideal, though, is to be doing something in the type of exercise that transforms fat into muscle mass and activates your metabolism.

But after all, which physical activity would you choose?

It is crucial to select a workout which you like; otherwise, it will be much harder to maintain the constant repetition and make it a routine.

The optimal amount of workout sessions per week is three. Do not forget that each workout must begin with a warm-up and end with stretching.

For example, if you choose the gym, after the warm-up, you will be able to do exercises like running on the treadmill or cycling.
The most important thing is that everything should be done under professional supervision and with complete conscientiousness. The only way to lose weight healthily and not get all of it back shortly after the end of weight loss is the famous yo-yo effect.

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